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Employee Vehicle Registration

Employee and Belvedere Square graduate student vehicle registration is handled on an annual basis.

Targeted emails will be sent out prior to the registration period explaining the various parking options.

If you have any questions or need further clarifications, please contact Mike Mansfield.

Fields marked with * are required.

Contact Information
Vehicle Information
Do you currently park in the Butler, Campion, or DGA Convenience Lots?*
Enroll in Pay Deduct?*
Rules and Regulations
In consideration for the parking and transportation services afforded me through the Loyola University transit system, I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations related to same. I understand that violations or infractions may result in appropriate penalties at my risk and expense including: fines, towing of my vehicle, or such sanctions depending on the nature of the offense. A warning notice will be issued before your vehicle is towed. Any vehicle found parked in a Handicapped area or Fire Lane will be subject to immediate towing. I understand further that there will be a process available by which I may appeal, to a designated appeals authority, within ten (10) days for relief or redress from any sanctions imposed by Student Administrative Services. I accept the decision of the appeals authority as final and authorize Loyola University to collect due and unpaid fines. Any falsification of information on this Student Administrative Services vehicle registration form will result in immediate termination of your parking privilege on the Loyola University campus.
I have read and agree to the terms above*