As a Jesuit, Catholic institution, Loyola University Maryland has long emphasized a centuries-old tradition of education steeped in the humanities. Yet that tradition must continually be reclaimed and renewed. The Center for the Humanities continues to seek ways to enhance and enrich its contributions to the University through a wide range of programs open to faculty and undergraduate students, some of which are ongoing, others which represent one-time grants. Because the success of the Center depends not only on departments in the Humanities, the Center encourages persons and departments throughout the University to develop and submit proposals to the steering committee that advance humanities education at Loyola.
Still Going Strong!
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
40th Anniversary of the Center
Students, Faculty, and Outside Visitors alike flocked to the Center to celebrate its legacy and continued influence on the next generation of leaders.

Bess Garrett
Program Assistant
Dr. Peggy O'Neill