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Humanities Faculty Publication Library

This program supports faculty publications by reimbursing faculty authors for limited distribution of faculty books or works in other media on and off campus by paying up to $400 for:

  • The cost of five copies of a book or work in other media (usually at author's discount or at wholesale) for the faculty author to distribute as he or she judges best; and
  • The purchase of one copy of Loyola authors' books or works in other media for the Center's library of humanities publications or the Honors Program's library of faculty publications. This includes buying copies of previously published books or works in other media still in print, in order to make the collection as complete as possible.


Any full-time faculty member in the humanities (including teaching faculty).

Standards for Proposals

Proposals need only identify the faculty member's publication, the publisher, and the author's discounted or wholesale price (see below).


Faculty authors should submit receipts for up to six copies of their books or works in other media to the Center's program assistant. Five of these copies will go to the faculty author; one copy will go to the library of Loyola humanities publications. Faculty authors may also donate copies of their books or works in other media, in which case they receive a receipt for tax purposes.


Faculty may submit requests at any time during the year.