Publications and Grants
Funded Engaged-Scholarship Projects
Ella Baker Day, Emmalee Quickel, Department of Psychology, April 2018
The second annual Ella Baker Day was a successful Campus-Community Partnership in Knowledge, in the spirit of Ms. Baker's legacy of community empowerment. This year's Messina-themed event for "Self and Other" went off-campus, hosted by Wombwork Productions, Inc. in their Black Box Theatre, over doubled in the size since last year. 15 youth artists/activists in our community presented their work as part of the event; three youth left with a monetary award for their courageous and beautiful social justice-themed art. Baltimore Algebra Project partnered to judge the event. Loyola alum, QueenEarth (singer/songwriter/activist), performed. Two Messina Intro to Communications sections participated actively in marketing campaigns, and we provided transportation for them and other Loyola community members to the event.
Photo credit Wombwork Productions, Inc.
Toxic Tour, Elizabeth Dahl, Department of Chemistry, November 2017
Baltimore smokestack by Tony.Gonzales with Flickr Creative
Commons License
Loyola Community Teach-In, Karsonya Kaye Whitehead, Department of Communication
A Campus-Community Partnerships in Knowledge Grant brought discussion leaders from Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, the Teachers Democracy Project, Revolutionary Mothering, and Marc Steiner of Emerging Media, to Loyola’s campus to participate in the campus-wide teach-in held on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017. The Messina program covered the Teach-in in a blog post, and WBAL featured the event in their evening news broadcast.
“Silent Generation” Oral Histories Project, Patrick Brugh and Andrea Thomas, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
This project brings together undergraduate students of foreign languages and immigrants from the so-called “silent” generation, born between 1925 and 1945. Students interview members of this generation in the target language (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Spanish) and then produce five-minute videos with English subtitles, improving their language skills even as they learn the countless stories that this generation has to tell. In exchange, our interviewees, many based in Maryland, find an outlet to share with the public their stories of integration in American culture. The project enhances language learning and fosters mutual respect and empathy while bridging a generational divide. Engaged Scholarship Funds supported the production of a 30-minute training video on oral histories and qualitative research used to help student participants prepare for their interviews.
ESOL Curriculum for Arabic Speakers, Emma Muir '17
Engaged Scholarship Funds were approved for Emma to develop a curriculum that facilitates
ESL learning for Arabic speakers at the Esperanza Center, introducing grammar and
vocabulary with practice worksheets and questions for facilitating dialogue employing
the new vocabulary. These materials will be developed in collaboration with Loyola
Arabic professor Inas Hassan and Arabic-speaking students at the Esperanza Center,
and will fill a significant gap in the curriculum of the Center.
To apply for internal grants, see the CELS Funding Opportunities page. To add your project to our Engaged Scholarship Publications list, email
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Drew Leder (Professor of Philosophy) has published "Coping With Chronic Pain, Illness, and Incarceration: What Patients and Prisoners Have To Teach Each Other (And All Of Us)" in the journal Medical Humanities,June, 2018. Dr. Leder discusses how those experiencing chronic illness and chronic (long-term) incarceration struggle with many of the same disruptions and limitations, and have found many similar strategies of how to live well in extreme circumstances. This was also delivered as the 3rdannual Jehangir Saleh Public Lecture at Ryerson University in Toronto, in memory of an inspiring young graduate student who died of cystic fibrosis. |
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Leah Katherine Saal (Assistant Professor, Literacy) and Clair W. Minson (MD New Directions). “Working to Learn Together: Engaged Scholarship Addressing Long-Term Unemployment” has appeared in online pre-publication in Adult Learning(2017). Minson, an administrator for a workforce development program for the long-term unemployed and a scholar dedicated to community literacy and social justice, Saal, share reflections on the context, learning, processes, and potential of their partnership. |
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Drew Leder, (Professor, Philosophy) In his introduction to The Soul Knows No Bars (Rowan & Littlefield, 2001),Cornell West describes Philosophy professor Drew Leder as a "latter-day Socrates." The book is co-authored by Leder and a group of maximum-security prison inmates who together explored the works of philosophers including Heidegger, Nietszche, and Foucault. "A latter-day Socrates." —Cornell West |
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Partners in Literacy: A Writing Center Model for Civic Engagement(2016), by Allen Brizee (Associate Professor of Writing) and Jaclyn M. Wells (University of Alabama Birmingham) was produced through a three-year partnership between the Purdue University Writing Lab and two community organizations in Lafayette, Indiana: the Lafayette Adult Resource Academy and WorkOne Express. This partnership resulted in the development of adult literacy resources for the globally known Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). "Brizee and Wells offer a remarkably readable and deeply personal account of what it means and what it takes to engage in a research project whose primary foci are community outreach and civic engagement."—Michael Pemberton, Director, Georgia Southern's Writing Center |
Community-Engaged Learning and Scholarship/Service-Learning Research Guide and LND Library
Engaged Scholarship at Loyola University Maryland 2004 to present
(Publications are in disciplinary-specific citation form)
Andrews RM, Tan EJ, Varma VR, Rebok GW, Romani WA, Seeman TE, Gruenewald TL, PhD, Tanner EK, Carlson MC, Positive
Bardhoshi, G., Erford, B. T., Duncan, K., Dummett, B., Falco, M., Deferio, K., & Kraft, J. (2016). Choosing assessment instruments for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder screening and outcome research. Journal of Counseling & Development, 94, 184-194. DOI: 10.1002/jcad.12075
Boucher, M. L. & Helfenbein, R. J. (2015). The push and the pull: Deficit models, ruby payne, and becoming a 'warm demander'. The Urban Review, 47, 742-758.
Brizee, Allen, Paola Pascual-Ferrá, and Giuliana Caranante. “High-Impact Civic Engagement: Outcomes of Community-Based Research in Technical Writing Courses.” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, vol. 50, no. 3, 2020, pp. 224-251
Brizee, Allen. “What Happens When We Fail?: Developing Resilient Community-Based Research.” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, October 15, 2019.
Brizee, Allen, and Jaclyn M. Wells. Partners in Literacy: A Writing Center Model for Civic Engagement. Rowman and Littlefield, 2016.
Brizee, Allen. “Using Isocrates to Teach Technical Communication and Civic Engagement.” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication vol. 45, no. 2, 2015, pp. 134-165
Brizee, Allen. “Toward Participatory Civic Engagement: Findings and Implications of a Three-Year Community-Based Research Study.” Computers and Composition: An International Journal vol. 32, 2014, pp. 22-40.
Bergmann, Linda, Allen Brizee, and Jaclyn Wells. “The Engaged Dissertation: Three Points of View.” Collaborative Futures: Critical Reflections on Publicly Active Graduate Education, Eds. Amanda Gilvin, Georgia M. Roberts, and Craig Martin. Graduate School Press, Syracuse University, 2012.
Castellan, C. M. (2012). Service-learning in teacher education: Reflection as a catalyst for learning. Reflective Practice, 13(6), 843-855. DOI: 10.1080/14623943.2012.732941
Castellan, C. M. (2011). Service-learning in teacher education: Does the model matter? Journal for Research on Service-Learning in Teacher Education, 1(2), 19 p.
Caesar, L. G. (2013). Providing early intervention services to diverse populations: Are speech language pathologists prepared? Infants & Young Children, 26(2), 126-146. DOI: 10.1097/IYC.0b013e3182848340
Connor, B. (2012). Service-learning and math anxiety: An effective pedagogy. In J. H. Westover (Ed.), Academic service-learning across disciplines: Models, outcomes and assessment (pp. 291- 301). Champaign, IL: Common Ground. LC220.5 .A33 2012
Connor, B. (2008). Service-learning and math anxiety: An effective pedagogy. The International Journal of Learning, 15(3), 305-311.
Crews, R. J. (2010). Reflections on scholarship and engaged scholarship: A call to the field. In T. Stewart & N. Webster (Eds.), Problematizing service-learning: Critical reflections for development and action (pp. 325-342). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. LC220.5 .P765 2011
Davis, D., Wuestman, R. T., Kansler, B., & Williams, L. (2005). Service learning : Where the action is!, In J. E. Neapolitan & T. R. Berkeley (Eds.), Staying the course with professional development schools (pp. 153-163). New York : Peter Lang. LB2154.A3 S72 2005.
DiBianca, M., Robinson, P., & Coiro, M. J. (2019).Personal and educational differences in college students’ social justice attitudes. Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, 8, 49-58.
Erford, Bradley T. Erfrod, B. T., Gunther, C., Duncan, K., Bardhoshi, G., Dummett, B., Kraft, J., Deferio, K., Faico, M., & Ross, M. (2016). Meta-analysis of counseling outcomes for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Counseling & Development, 94, 13-30. DOI: 10.1002/jcad.12058
Erford, B. T. (Ed.) (2015). Group work in schools - 2nd edition. New York, NY: Routledge. Erford, B. T., Johnson, E., & Bardoshi, G. (2016). Meta-analysis of the English version of the Beck Depression Inventory–Second Edition. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 49, 3-33. DOI: 10.1177/0748175615596783
Erford, B. T., & Lutz, J. A. (2015). Choosing assessment instruments for anxiety practice and outcome research with school-aged youth. Measurement & Evaluation in Counseling & Development, 48(3), 214-225. DOI: 10.1177/0748175615578755
Everly, George S., Jr. McCabe, O. L., Semon, N. L., Lating, J. M., Everly, G. S., Perry, C. J., et al. (2014). An academic government-faith partnership to build disaster mental health preparedness and community resilience. Public Health Reports, 129(S4), 96-106.
Fenzel, M., & Dean, R. (2011). Changes in students’ social justice and racial attitudes in an undergraduate child psychology service-learning course. Journal of Research on Service Learning & Teacher Education, 1(2), 20-30.
Fenzel, L. M., & Peyrot, M. (2005). Comparing college community participation and future service behaviors and attitudes. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 12(1), 23-31.
Flores-Koulish, S., & Dark, H. (2011). Investigating the digital divide in two Baltimore City schools to enhance community involvement. In T. Bastiaens & M. Ebner (Eds.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA (World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications) (2011, v. 2, pp. 741-752). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. LB1028.5 .W652 2011.
Gawerc, Michelle I. 2018. “Building Solidarity Across Asymmetrical Risks: Israeli and Palestinian Peace Activists” in Research in Social Movements, Conflicts, and Change 42, 87-112.
Gawerc, Michelle I. 2016. “Constructing a Collective Identity across Conflict Lines: Israeli-Palestinian Peace Movement Organizations” in Mobilization: An International Quarterly 21(2), 193-212.
Kanashiro, P. Rands, G. & Starik, M. (2020). Walking the sustainability talk: If not us, who? If not now, when? Journal of Management Education (forthcoming). ABDC: B
Kanashiro, P. (2020) Can environmental governance lower toxic emissions? A panel study of the U.S. high-polluting industries. (2020). Business Strategy and the Environment (forthcoming). IF: 6.4; ABDC: A
Kanashiro, P., Sadao, E. Souza, C. & Dias, S. (2020). Teaching sustainability in management education: A Biggs’ 3P model approach. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 21(4): 671-684. IF: 1.4
Kanashiro, P. (2019). United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Reflections and solutions from management education. Administração: Ensino e Pesquisa 20(3). Indexed by EBSCO, SPELL, ProQuest, and Web of Science
Kanashiro, P. & Rivera, J. (2019). Do Chief Sustainability Officers make companies greener? The moderating role of regulatory pressures. Journal of Business Ethics, 155 (3):687-701. Financial Times Top 50; IF: 3.8; ABDC: A
Kanashiro, P., & Starik, M. (2016). A Brazilian case study in efforts at the base of the pyramid. Business Horizons, 59(5): 471-479. IF: 2.8, ABDC: B
Kennedy, Elizabeth J., Desert in the Deluge: Using Data to Drive Racial Equity, 69 Cath. U. L. Rev. 23 (2020), available at:
Kennedy, Elizabeth J., Changing the Future: Building Racial Equity Across Baltimore's Workforce Ecosystem.
Klink, R. R., & Athaide, G. A. (2004). Implementing service learning in the Principles of Marketing course. Journal of Marketing Education, 26(2), 145-153.
Linz Dickinson, M., & McCunney, D. (2013). Community-campus partnerships and student learning: Using lessons learned to chart a path for the future. Jesuit Higher Education, 2(2), 139-143.
Locke, Jessica, “Making Consciousness an Ethical Project: Moral Phenomenology in Buddhist Ethics and White Anti-Racism,” Buddhism and Whiteness: Critical Reflections (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books), 2019.
Locke, Jessica. Forthcoming July 2020: “Living Our Histories, Shaping Our Futures: Buddhist Practice and Anti-Racist Education for White People,” in Insight Journal
Locke, Jessica. Forthcoming fall 2020: The Dharma of Anti-Racism: A Six-Week Online Workshop for White People, Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
Locke, Jessica. “Enlightened Investigation: Uncovering Social Bias and Creating Vibrant Community,” 9-hour workshop at Shambhala Meditation Center in Washington DC, January 2018
Locke, Jessica. “Socially Engaged Buddhism,” public talk at Szambhala Warzawa in Warsaw, Poland, July 2017
Locke, Jessica. “A Contemplative Approach to Examining White Privilege,” 18-hour workshop at Shambhala Meditation Center in Decatur, GA; 2015 and 2016
Nichols, T. M., Kotchick, B. A., Barry, C. M., & Haskins, D. G. (2010). Understanding the educational aspirations of African American adolescents: Child, family, and community factors. Journal of Black Psychology, 36(1), 25‐ 48.
Parisi JM, Ramsey CM, Carlson MC, Xue Q-L, Huang J, Romani WA, McGill S, Seeman TE, Tanner EK, Barron J, Tan E, Gruenewald
Pascual-Ferrá, Paola and Allen Brizee (Eds.). Commitment to Justice in Jesuit Higher Education. 3rd ed. Apprentice House, 2016.
Rebok, GW, Jeanine M. Parisi, William A. Romani, Qian-Li Xue, et al. Impact of Experience Corps® Participation on Children’s Academic Achievement and School Behavior Published in Prevention Science 2018. DOI:10.1007/s11121-018-0972-8
Rebok GW, Carlson, MC, Frick KD, Giuriceo KC, Gruenewald T, McGill S, Parisi JM, Romani WA, Seeman T, Tanner EK, & Fried LP. The Experience Corps: Intergenerational interventions to enhance well-being among retired persons. In Interventions and Policies to Enhance Wellbeing. F. Huppert and C Cooper (Eds.). Wiley Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ USA 2014
Roberts B, Romani WA. “AARP Experience Corps Improves Grade Level Reading In An Afterschool Setting” 2015 Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL
Romani, WA. Aging Expectations Are Associated With Physical Activity Among Urban-Dwelling Older Adults. Gerontologist. 2017 Aug;57(2):S178–186
Romani, WA. Volunteering on Physical Activity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. AmJ Prev Med. 2016 Jan;50(1):106-10
Romani, WA, TL, Diibor I, Fried LP, Rebok GW. Impact of Experience Corps® participation on school climate. Prev Sci. 2015 Jul;16(5):744-53
Romani, WA, Holbert, RL. A Wellness Service Learning Project Improves the Perception of Professional Empowerment in Entry Level Physical Therapy Students. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 21(2):73-78, 2007.
Saal, L. K. (2016). The activist learner: Inquiry, literacy, and service to make learning matter. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 59, 607-609. DOI: 10.1002/jaal.507
Scheifele, Lisa Z. Scheifele, L. Z. & Burkett, T. (2016). The first three years of a community lab: Lessons learned and ways forward. J
Starik, M., Kanashiro, P., & Collins, E. (2017). Sustainability management textbooks: Potentially necessary, but probably not sufficient. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 16(3): 503-506. IF: 3.3, ABDC: A*
Starik, M. & Kanashiro, P. (2013). Toward a sustainability management theory: Uncovering and integrating the nearly obvious. Organization & Environment, 26(1):7-30. IF: 8.5, ABDC: A
Simmons, R. W., III (2013). Understanding the local context of the civil rights movement: using service learning to develop an oral history of our community. Black History Bulletin 76(2), 14-18
Stewart-Sicking, J. A., Snodgrass, J. L., Pereira, R., Mutai, W. W., & Crews, R. (2013). A grounded theory investigation into the process and effects of service-learning in counselor education. Journal of the International Association for Research into Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 1.
Stewart-Sicking, J. A., Snodgrass, J. L., Pereira, R., Mutai, W. W., & Crews, R. (2013). A grounded theory investigation into the process and effects of service-learning in counselor education. International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 1(1), 47-60.
Simmons, R. W., III (2012). Exploring how African American males from an urban community navigate the interracial and intra-racial dimensions of their experiences at an urban Jesuit high school. Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research, 8, 4-12.
Simmons, R., Carpenter, R., Ricks, J., Walker, D., Parks, M., & Davis, M. (2013). African American male teachers and African American students: Working subversively through hip-hop in three urban schools. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 4 (2), 69-86.
Simmons, R. W., & Carpenter, R. D. (2011). Yes we can--even in Detroit: Quality education, high academic achievement, and service learning. In L. Howell, C. W. Lewis, & N. Carter (Eds.), Yes we can!: Improving urban schools through innovative educational reform (pp. 3-21). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. LC5131 .Y47 2011
Snodgrass, J. L., Jenkins, B. B., & Tate, K. F. (2017). More than a job club, sister: Career intervention for women following incarceration. The Career Development Quarterly, 65(1), 29-43. doi:10.1002/cdq.12078
Snodgrass, J. L. (2018). Women leaving prison: Justice-seeking spiritual support for female returning citizens. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Varma VR. Wang T, Xue Q, Fried LP, King AC, Romani W, Seplaki CL, Seeman TE, Rebok GW, Carlson MC. Effect of Community.
Zisselsberger, M. (2016). Toward a humanizing pedagogy: Leveling the cultural and linguistic capital in a fifth-grade writing classroom. Bilingual Research Journal, 39, 121- 137. DOI: 10.1080/15235882.2016.1167137
Zisselsberger, M. & Collins, K. (2016). Whose language is legit?: Intersections of race, ethnicity, and language. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 19, 51-61. DOI: 10.1177/1555458915624943
Articles about our community-engaged learning and scholarship
Learning a Language, Mastering a Skill
Publishing Outlets for Community-Engaged Learning and Scholarship
Publishing Outlets for Community-Engaged Learning and Scholarship
The following peer-reviewed journals publish community-engaged research, including research related to civic engagement and service-learning in higher education.
- The International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement
- The Journal for Civic Commitment
- Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education
- Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship
- Journal of Experiential Education
- Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education
- Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education
- Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning
- Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement
- Reflections