Transfer Students
Welcome, transfer students!
The Academic Advising and Support Center (AASC) will work to acquaint you with Loyola's core and major curricula and support you in having a positive and successful academic experience at Loyola.
Review the following resources for more information on the academic credit requirements for Loyola students:
- Transfer Course Policies - Loyola does not have minimum requirements for transfer, and we accept credits for evaluation from any 2- or 4-year accredited college/university. A maximum of 60 credits can be transferred into Loyola, in accordance with our residency and graduation requirements.
- Academic Worksheets - Academic Worksheets serve as four-year planning guides that outline the classes required to complete each major or minor offered at Loyola. These guides act as a resource for students to explore academic pathways and are used by the academic advising office as templates when conducting transfer credit evaluations. For prospective transfer students, transfer credits must be approved by AASC staff during the admission process. Please note that Academic Worksheets are intended for exploration purposes only and should not be used as a self-evaluation tool for determining how previous credits may transfer.
Still need to apply to Loyola?
In order to determine how your credits from other colleges will transfer to Loyola, you must first apply as an undergraduate transfer student. While we offer streamlined options for community college transfers, Loyola accepts credit from 2-year and 4-year accredited institutions.
Information for Deposited Transfer Students
Course Registration Next Steps
A member of the Academic Advising team at Loyola will help you register for classes as you transition to Loyola. Please complete the steps below, and AASC will work with you to schedule your first advising meeting.
Complete online math and language placement tests
If you did not receive Loyola credit for math or world language, you must take the placement exams. The world language test should be taken in the language studied in high school. If you do not have any world language experience or would like to start with a new language, you do not need to take the language test. Please follow the placement test instructions for first-year students.
Update your contact information online
To access the form, you need your Loyola login credentials found in the welcome letter from Loyola’s office of technology services. For questions about login access, please contact the Office of Technology Services at 410-617-5555.
- Via Inside Loyola, click Undergraduate Demographics, then log in again to access the Undergraduate Demographics Update form.
Complete the Declaration of Major form
The Declaration of Major form must be completed and submitted by email to before your advising meeting.
Review your Credit Evaluation and explore available courses
During your advising appointment, an AASC administrator will help you with choosing your courses, but it is helpful if you are familiar with what is open and offered.
Familiarize yourself with the credit evaluation sent to you by the Office of Undergraduate Admission, and search Student Planning for open courses you would like to take in the spring. It is typical for students to take five courses each semester. Not taking five courses could delay your path to timely graduation. Pre-requisite and course information can be found by clicking on any of the courses listed on Student Planning.
To search for classes in Student Planning:
- Log into the Inside.Loyola portal.
- Select Loyola Self-Service > Student Planning.
- Go to "Plan & Schedule" and then select "Course Catalog" from the Academic menu. Then, click on "Advanced Search."
- Under the “Term” dropdown menu, select your entry term.
- Under the “Academic Level” dropdown menu, select “Undergraduate.”
- Click “Search.”
After you complete the steps above, please contact Ms. Victoria Gue, Director, via email at to schedule your advising appointment.
Don't forget to send final transcripts
AASC requires your final official transcript for any completed fall 2024 courses prior to the start of the spring 2025 semester. Not submitting a final transcript will delay the transfer of your courses and could prevent registering for future courses.
Transcripts should be sent to AASC by January 20, 2025. Please send the transcript to:
Loyola University Maryland
Attn: Victoria Gue
4501 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210
Helpful Resources for New Students
Contact Us
Phone Number: 410-617-5050Fax Number: 410-617-2161
Office: Maryland Hall Room 138
Instagram: @AASC_LoyolaMD
Transfer Transitions
Loyola 101 for New Transfer Students
Developed by current transfer students for new transfer students, this one-credit seminar is designed to help transfer students make a smooth transition to Loyola and get the most out of their experience. Informal class discussions, group activities, off-campus events, and presentations by instructors and guest speakers help to:
- Introduce students to the Jesuit mission
- Inform them of the resources available on campus and throughout Baltimore to support their academic, co-curricular, and career interests and goals
- Promote connections with both experienced mentors and transfer peers
- Provide opportunities for community-building in a supportive environment
The course typically meets once per week, and each section is facilitated by a faculty member and/or an administrator. Class discussions and activities focus on topics such as academic transitions, goal setting, career preparation, and leadership. Students receive grades of S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory).
AASC will help incoming transfer students to register for either Messina (if transferring as a first-year student) or Transfer Transitions (for all other transfer students).