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Officially a Greyhound

New Student Checklist

Fall 2025 Transfer Students

Welcome to the Greyhound Nation! As a new student, we know you likely have a lot of questions about what you’ll need to do to prepare for your first semester at Loyola. This New Student Checklist is designed to guide you through the tasks you need to complete to finish the enrollment process and begin your journey as a Hound.

Please read through each item carefully and explore the links provided for more information. We look forward to seeing you on campus soon!

ASAP Confirm contact information and intended major

Please update your contact information online and select a potential intended major as soon as possible. To access the form, you need your Loyola login credentials found in the welcome letter from Loyola’s office of technology services. For questions about login access, please contact the office of technology services at 410-617-5555.

Via Inside Loyola click Undergrad Demographics, then login again to access the Undergraduate Demographics Update form. Your username is the same as your email address but without "" on the end.

For questions about this process, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 410-617-2659 or visit the Contact Us page.


International Students Only Complete your International Checklist

Complete the International Checklist on your Applicant Status Portal. The items on the International Checklist are customized to each student based on their current or intended visa status. To learn more about these items and the student visa process, please visit our International Application Processes page.

View Your International Checklist

International Students Only - May 19 Request your Form I-20 (F-1 only)

If you are a student seeking F-1 (visa) status, after you have submitted all of the requirements from your International Checklist, you will receive an email from the Office of International Student Services (OISS) with instructions on how to log into the International Student OISS Portal.

You will then need to log into the OISS Portal to request your U.S. Immigration Form I-20 no later than May 19.

Submit your final transcript

As part of the enrollment process, all incoming students must submit a final, official transcript for any current coursework. The transcript should be sent directly from the Registrar’s office of your current institution to Loyola. It should be submitted by email to

If the transcript must be sent by mail, please submit to:

Loyola University Maryland 
Academic Advising & Support Center - MH 138 
Attn: Victoria Gue 
4501 N. Charles Street 
Baltimore, MD 21210

International Students

As part of the enrollment process, all incoming students must submit a final, official transcript for any current coursework. If the coursework was taken at an institution outside the U.S., then the final transcript must be accompanied by an updated, course-by-course international credential evaluation from a NACES member organization. The transcript should be sent directly from the records office of your current institution to Loyola.

If the transcript must be sent by mail, please submit to:

Loyola University Maryland 
Office of Undergraduate Admission 
Attn: Rachel Scholten 
4501 N. Charles Street 
Baltimore, MD 21210

Complete your residency intent

Once deposited, students will receive a welcome email from the Office of Residence Life & Housing with instructions on how to submit the housing application. All transfer students, even if planning to live off campus, are required to submit this application within 48 hours of receiving this email.

In addition to housing preferences, this application includes emergency contact information and updates to personal information.

Residence Life & Housing Transfer Students

Register for classes

Our academic advising and support center will work with you to select your courses for your first term at Loyola. They will schedule an advising appointment with you to help with your registration. Visit the Transfer Students page as soon as you have submitted your deposit.

Transfer Students Advising Page

Complete the Student Family Profile

In an effort to maintain connection with our students’ families, we ask for your cooperation in providing information that will allow us to keep your family informed about campus life. Please ask your parents or guardian to complete the Student Family Profile.

Student Family Profile

Fulfill health requirements

Students are required to complete the Student Health Profile Requirements, including submitting immunization records and providing proof of insurance. This profile is to be completed entirely on the Secure Patient Portal.

International Students

All international students are required to have U.S.-based health insurance for the duration of their studies. You are required to enroll online in the Loyola-sponsored Student Health Insurance plan, unless you meet specific waiver criteria. Additional information regarding the school sponsored health insurance plan and how to either enroll or waive will be sent to your Loyola email.

Students living on campus will be prohibited from checking into the residence halls until the health profile is complete.

Health Profile Requirements

Complete online educational training

As a new member of the Loyola community, there are several online programs that you are required to complete. Topics include alcohol and drug education, sexual assault prevention, mental well-being, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion. Information and instructions will be sent to your Loyola email address in July.

Students living on campus will be prohibited from checking into the residence halls until all online trainings are complete.

Vector Course Information

Submit photo for Evergreen card

The Evergreen card is your campus ID as well as access to your residence hall, meal plan, printing and laundry services. You will receive an email with the subject “Loyola University Maryland ID Photo Submission” with instructions on how to upload your photo. You will continue to receive emails until you have completed this step in the process.

Online Photo Submission

August 31 - Action Required Enroll in or waive the student health insurance plan

Loyola University requires all full-time students to have U.S.-based health insurance during the academic year. You are required to either enroll in or waive the insurance coverage offered by the University. Action must be taken. Additional information on the plan and instructions on how to either enroll/waive will be sent to your Loyola email.

International Students

All international students are required to have U.S.-based health insurance for the duration of their studies. You are required to enroll online in the Loyola-sponsored Student Health Insurance plan, unless you meet specific waiver criteria. Additional information regarding the school sponsored health insurance plan and how to either enroll or waive will be sent to your Loyola email.

Student Health Insurance Plan

ASAP Register with Disability & Accessibility Services (if applicable)

Incoming students with disabilities who want accommodations to live or learn at Loyola should register with Disability & Accessibility Services (DAS). Students are required to provide current and comprehensive documentation of their disabilities, which meets DAS guidelines.

DAS takes about two weeks to reply to requests, but can be longer during times of high registration volume.

Disability & Accessibility Services Register with DAS
Housing Accommodations Policy

Submit final tuition payment

Submit your final tuition payment online.

Student Administrative Services

Access your Loyola student account and email

Most of the official communication you receive from Loyola will be delivered electronically to your Loyola email. Within three to five business days of your deposit to Loyola, you’ll receive an ID number, username, and official Loyola email address. It is important to check your account frequently for news and information.

If you have trouble finding these emails (remember to check your junk folder) or have questions about your email account or ID number, please contact the office of technology services at 410-617-5555.

Access Loyola Email

Additional Enrollment Steps

Loyola awards credit for AP, IB, A-Level, and college courses if they meet the standards and requirements set by the University and its academic departments. In order to qualify for credit, students must have official scores and transcripts sent to Loyola.
If you plan to play intercollegiate varsity athletics, you must complete the additional health forms and information as soon as possible. The forms will be sent to you electronically from the athletics department.


As engaged voters, Loyola students register for LoyolaVotes!, an online platform that assists with three key aspects to voting, even if you are already registered to vote and no matter what U.S. state or territory you are from. Our goal is to make voting easy and convenient over your next four years to ensure you don’t miss pivotal elections that shape our future.