Loyola’s vibrant pre-health community consists of over 600 students at different stages
of their journey. The pre-health office supports students’ curricular planning, graduate
school preparation, and career awareness throughout their four years at Loyola and
beyond. We offer advising and services for students interested in medicine, dentistry,
nursing, physician assistant career, and many other health professions.
We are an active force in many of Baltimore’s most underserved neighborhoods and prestigious hospitals. Service and field experiences will give students the confidence to engage with people from diverse backgrounds. We know that success in health care requires complex skills, cultural sensitivity, team work, and commitment to life-long learning. Explore this site to find about undergraduate preparation for health careers, opportunities at Loyola, and our connections in and beyond Baltimore.

NEW! Health and Human Experience Minor
Health and Human Experience is an interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences minor that prepares you to understand cultural factors in health and delivery of care. This medical humanities minor can enrich your pre-health studies in natural sciences or work as a meaningful unit own its own, relevant to all who are interested in topics such as history of medicine, bioethics, and global health.Explore the New Minor
Contact Us
Maiju Lehmijoki Wetzel, Ph.D., B.S.N., R.N.Director of Pre-Health Programs
Phone: 410-617-2218
Email: prehealth@loyola.edu
Office: Donnelly Science 147