Faculty & Staff
The physics department faculty teach or manage all of the Loyola physics courses. Areas of interest and expertise cover a wide variety of physics subfields. If you are interested in the physics curriculum or working on a research project, feel free to contact any faculty member to discuss what is available in the department.

Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Areas of Interest: experimental condensed matter physics, experimental surface physics, ultrahigh vacuum electron spectroscopy, history and philosophy of physics

M.A. and Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
Areas of Interest: neutrino physics, quantum field theory, Casimir effect

B.S., University of Rochester
M.S., University of Wisconsin
Ph.D., Washington University (St. Louis)
Areas of Interest: condensed matter physics, laser spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance

B.A., Smith College
M.S., University of Hawaii at Manoa
Ph.D., University of Wyoming
Areas of Interest: Astronomy, physical science education

Ph.D., Cornell University
Areas of Interest: computational physics, oceanography
- 410-617-2706
- rsj@loyola.edu
- KH 212d

Ph.D., City University of New York
Areas of Interest: Quantum field theory, quantum chromodynamics (QCD), color glass condensate

Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Areas of Interest: fluid dynamics, biophysics, physics of medicine, robots in the introductory labs, student projects
- 410-617-2709
- mlowe@loyola.edu
- KH 212b

M.A., Johns Hopkins University
Areas of Interest: experimental particle physics, optical physics, physics education research

M.A., Indiana State University
M.S., University of Cincinnati
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati
Areas of Interest: nanotechnology, experimental condensed matter

M.A. and Ph.D. Wayne State University
Areas of Interest: Metamaterial superconductors, Manganite Perovskite films