2022-2023 Tea Time Talks

The Modern Languages Teatime Talks were a fantastic way for faculty in Modern Languages to share their research with the campus community, as well as to build stronger connections between tenured and teaching faculty in our department. Six faculty members gave talks followed by lively Q&A sessions.
October 3rd: Emily Iekel, Assistant Teaching Professor of Spanish gave the talk
“Translating Ecopoetry in the Anthropocene: The Intersection of Planetarity and the
Translator’s (In)Visibility.”
November 9th: Sarah Vitale, Assistant Teaching Professor of Spanish gave the talk
“Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Equitable and Inclusive Syllabi.”
December 5th: Dr. André Colombat, Professor of French, gave the talk “Baltimore’s
First Refugee Crisis: 1793.”
March 1st: Dr. Yu Stearns, Associate Professor of Chinese, gave a talk “The Strange
From the West: Westerners, Sorcery, and Fantasy in 19th Century Chinese Literature.”
March 27th: Dr. Stacey Mitchell, Assistant Teaching Professor of Spanish, gave a
talk “Quacks, Crooks, and Tooth-pullers, Oh My! Street Charlatanism in José Gutiérrez-
Solana’s Madrilenian Texts (1912-1923).”
April 17th : Dr. Ramón Espejo-Saavedra, Professor of Spanish, gave the
talk “The Fantastic and the Miraculous in Four Short Stories by Clarín.”