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- Arabic (see Arabic resources)
- Chinese (minor)
- French (major / minor)
- German (minor)
- Italian (minor)
- Spanish (major / minor)
Majors and minors are available in Chinese, French, Spanish, and Comparative Cultures and Literary Studies, as well as affiliate minors in German, Italian and Latin American and Latino Studies.
Modern Languages News
Please check out our news page for all the latest accomplishments of our students
and faculty.
Loyola's Language Core
As part of its commitment to a broad-based, liberal-arts education, Loyola requires
all students, regardless of their major to demonstrate proficiency in a modern or
classical foreign language at the intermediate college level, or higher.

Academic Opportunities
Montreal Study Tour
Loyola’s French students get the opportunity to explore Montreal during an international
weekend excursion.
Modern Languages and Literatures Newsletter
Take a look at our newsletter to find out about all the events we hosted this past