Tutorial Quiz 2 Slide 1
Verbose description:
Slide is titled "What not to do...Violations of the Code"
- Cheating: Using (or giving another) unauthorized assistance or material for completing an academic assignment (includes unauthorized group work and studying)
- Stealing: Taking another's property or ideas without permission
- Lying: A false statement or representation made with the conscious intent to mislead others
- Forgery: The intent to mislead others by falsifying a signature or other writing
- Plagiarism: The act of appropriating another's writing or ideas and passing them off as one's own
- Duplicate submission: The submission of work (in part of in whole) that has been submitted in a prior or concurrent course without advance consent of the professor(s) assigning the work
- Failure to Report a Violation: The conscious failure to report any student who has committed a breach of the Code