Master of Science in Biological Forensics
Master of Science in Biological Forensics
The Master of Science degree in Biological Forensics is distinctive in name and in the training offered, yet complementary to forensic pattern analysis. The degree can be completed in two years or students may pursue the program as part time students. The curricular path provides training in forensic entomology, forensic microbiology, forensic anthropology, biological forensics, veterinary forensics, death investigation, DNA analysis, and fingerprints. In addition to developing a range of technical and specific skills to advance students' career options, this degree program will also enhance the broader development of students' skills in a manner consistent with Loyola's mission.
The attributes of a forensic science professional are consistent with those of a Loyola graduate: excellent oral and written communication skills; intellectual curiosity; use of interdisciplinary approaches; critical thinking skills; commitment to life-long learning; and strong moral and ethical character. No matter what task assigned, a forensic investigator seeks only for truth. These attributes are the hallmarks of a Jesuit education, and all students pursuing a degree in biological forensics would be required to develop and use these learning skills.
Learning Aims
The degree consists of 38-41 graduate credit hours. Requirements for a major and an example of a typical program of courses are as follows:
Biological Forensic Foundation
- FO 656/657 Biological Forensics and lab
- FO 530 Criminalistics
- FO 600 Crime Scene Investigation
- FO 677 Death Investigation
- FO 700 Statistics in Forensic Science
- WR 626 Advanced Techmical Writing
Ecological Evidence (select two courses)
- FO 651 Forensic Entomology
- FO 645 Veterinary Forensics
- FO 680 Forensic Microbiology
Person’s Identification (select one course)
- FO 610 Fingerprints
- FO 715 Forensic Anthropology
- FO 725 Forensic DNA Analysis
Electives (select three course) 9-11 credits
- FO 584 Forensic Chemistry
- FO 630 Quality Control & Assurance Forensic Laboratory
- FO 650 Forensic Pattern Evidence
- FO 675 Mock trial in Forensic Pattern Evidence
- FO 676 Digital & Forensic Imaging
- FO 690 Topics in Forensic Science
- FO 695 Crime Scene and Evidence Photography
- FO 706 Investigations into Violent Crimes
- FO 710 Advanced Topics and Techniques in Fingerprints
- FO 731 Forensic Science Management
- FO 752 Errors in Forensic Science and Wrongful Convictions
- FO 773 Special Topics in Forensic Biology
- FO 781 Cold Case Investigations
- FO 790 Forensic Science Internship
- FO 791 Forensic Science Research
- FO 792 Forensic Science Independent Study
- GB 705 Leading and Managing People
- PL 611 Bioethics
- ST 681 Probability and Statistics
Key: Use for any additional information necessary regarding courses listed above. For examples, please visit the current Graduate or Undergraduate Catalogue.
Course Sequence
First Year
Fall Term
- FO 530 Criminalistics
- FO 656 Biological Forensics
- FO 657 Biological Forensics Lab
- FO 600 Crime Scene Investigation OR
- Elective
Spring Term
- FO 677 Death Investigation
- WR 626 Advanced Technical Writing
- FO 600 Crime Scene Investigation OR
- Elective
Second Year
Fall Term
- FO 700 Statistics in Forensic Science
- Ecological Evidence Elective
- Person ID Elective OR
- Ecological Evidence Elective
Spring Term
- Person ID Elective OR
- Ecological Evidence Elective
- Elective
- Elective
Notes: Foundation courses will be offered every year, as well the technical writing courses. Ecological Evidence and Person’s Identification courses will be offered at least once every other year; more frequently depending on student enrollments. Most elective courses will be offered every year.
Contact Us
We hope that you will explore our program. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Graduate Admissions
Theresa Allen
Director of Program Operations
Forensic Science Graduate Programs
David Rivers, Ph.D.
Chair, Dept of Forensic Science
Graduate Director, M.S. Biological Forensics
Contact Us
Theresa Allen
Director of Program Operations
Forensic Science Graduate Programs