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Who should I contact with questions?

Dr. Megan Olsen, Computer Science Department
Megan Olsen, Ph.D. Professor
Areas of Specialty: Complex Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Modeling & Simulation
Dr. Binkley, Computer Science Department
David W. Binkley, Ph.D. Professor
Area of Specialty: Programming Languages
Dr. Hoang Bui
Hoang Bui, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Eric Cui
Eric Cui Assistant Professor
Area of Specialty: Recommender System
Eric Ebert
Eric Ebert Assistant Teaching Professor
Ho faculty picture
Nguyen Ho, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Sibren Isaacman
Sibren Isaacman, Ph.D. Department Chair, Associate Professor
Area of Specialty: Mobile Computing, Technology for Developing Regions
John Nweke
John Nweke, M.Sc. Assistant Teaching Professor
Areas of Specialty: Programming, Data Science, Cloud Computing, Virtual Machines
Henrique Rocha, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Area of Specialty: Software Engineering
Professor Roberta Sabin
Roberta E. Sabin, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus
Area of Specialty: Information Retrieval, Databases
Zelalem (Zee) Yalew
Zelalem (Zee) Yalew, Ph.D. Assistant Teaching Professor
Areas of Speciality:  Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) and Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA), Multi-hop Wireless Networks (MWNs) (IEEE 802.11, 802.15.4), Machine Learning and Neural Networks (ML & NN)

Affiliate Faculty

Douglas Ashworth
Solan Bongase
Joseph DiNatale
Jennifer Gentry
Erhan Guven
Matthew Hearn
Jal Irani
Max Morawski