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Strategic Planning Process
Planting seeds of success
Growing an evergreen futureLoyola University Maryland is embarking upon an exciting future. We have an amazing foundation built through the dynamic leadership of past presidents, the creative ideas and dedication of faculty, staff, and administrators, and the passion for learning brought by our students.
As Loyola enters the final year of the Ignatian Compass strategic plan, President Terrence M. Sawyer, J.D., and the Board of Trustees are committed to creating a new plan that celebrates our past and lays out a bold and exciting vision for our future. In President Sawyer’s words, “let’s make Loyola irresistible.” In the spring of 2022, the President and Cabinet accepted volunteer applications and appointed a Strategic Planning Steering Committee to guide this process.
An essential feature of successful strategic planning is to create opportunities for many voices to contribute their visions for the future of the university. Please get involved and help create our community’s shared vision for Loyola’s next decade. Visit this website for updates to learn about ways you can contribute, and to send your ideas to the strategic planning committee.
—Paola Pascual-Ferrá, Ph.D., and Eric Nichols, Strategic Planning Committee Co-Chairs
Terrence M. Sawyer, J.D., President
As we undertake our strategic planning process, we will be looking toward the future in a new way, reflecting on our strengths and challenges as a university, considering our role in the world, and dreaming big about what Loyola University Maryland could—and should—be in the years ahead.
As we start our new strategic planning process, we look to our future with hope. Like the rest of the country, our community has experienced the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this, our commitment to strong truths well lived has enabled us to do hard things and rise against the odds. This strategic planning process builds on our resilience and strengths.
This process is an invitation to the entire community to C.A.R.E. Congruent with our Jesuit, Catholic values, the strategic planning process will honor our obligations to care for the whole person (cura personalis) and for the institution (cura apostolica). C.A.R.E. is an invitation and a promise to listen deeply, to reflect carefully, to promote trust, and to act with integrity. To this end, we commit to:

Beyond the creation of the final Strategic Plan product that charts the future of Loyola, we hope that our community emerges stronger and more united as a result of this process.