Loyola University Maryland

Writing Department

Lisa Zimmerelli

Associate Professor and Writing Dept. ChairLisa Zimmerelli


Maryland Hall 043L
Writing Department
Loyola University Maryland
4501 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, Md. 21210

Phone: (410) 617-2369
Fax: (410) 617-2934 


University of Maryland, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

WR 100 Effective Writing
HN 210 Eloquentia Perfecta
WR 220 Art of Rhetoric
WR 323 Writing Center Practice & Theory
WR 320 Art of Argument
Seminars on various topics


The Bedford Guide for Writing Tutors, 6th edition. (with Leigh Ryan) Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press, 2015.

“Traversing Divides: Service-Learning in the Writing Center.” Diversity and Democracy. Forthcoming 2016.

“A Place to Begin: Service-Learning Tutor Education and Writing Center Social Justice.” Writing Center Journal 35.1 (Winter 2015)

“‘Heaven-touched Lips and Pent-up Voices’: The Rhetoric of America Female Preaching Apologia, 1820—1930. Mapping Christian Rhetorics: A Critical Reader for Writing Scholars. Eds. Michael-John DePalma and Jeffrey M. Ringer. New York, NY: Routledge Press. 2014. 180—202.  Book awarded the 2014 Religious Communication Book Award

“The Itinerant Book: Julia A. J. Foote’s A Brand Plucked from the Fire as a Religious Activist Text.” Rhetoric Review 33.2 (April 2014): 132—147.

“Spread Out But Close: Conversations and Collaborations: Eloquentia Perfecta on 21st Century Jesuit Campuses.” (with Laurie Britt-Smith, Cinthia Gannett, and John Kerrigan). Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education 43 (Spring 2013): 20-21.

“‘The Stereoscopic View of Truth’: Frances Willard’s Woman in the Pulpit as a Feminist Rhetoric of Theology.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 42.4 (September 2012): 353—374. Awarded the 2013 Rhetoric Society Quarterly Charles Kneupper Award for best essay

Zimmerelli, Lisa. 'When They Were Boys and When They Were Girls: Constructions of Gender in Progressive-Era American Conduct Biography.' Feminist Circulations: Rhetorical Explorations across History and Geography. Eds. Jessica Enoch, Danielle Griffin, and Karen Nelson. Parlor Press. 2021116-134.

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Michelle Tran


Michelle’s relationships with mentors and faculty have helped her gain internship experience and build a writing portfolio in preparation for her future career
